New Publication: IZA Discussion Paper (23.07.2019)
New Publication: "Immigration and Crimes against Natives: The 2015 Refugee Crisis in Germany" has been published as a IZA Discussion Paper.
New Publication: IZA Discussion Paper (08.01.2019)
New Publication: "The 2015 European Refugee Crisis and Residential Housing Rents in Germany" has been published as a IZA Discussion Paper.
Awarded teaching prizes by the Faculty of Economics and Management (24.11.2018)
For their exceptional engagement in teaching in the summer term 2018, three members of the Chair for Applied Economics have been awarded teaching prizes by the Faculty of Economics and Management: Omar Martin Ahmad (1st place in the Bachelor programs), Yue Huang (2nd place in the Master programs) and Michael Kvasnicka (1st place in the Master programs). The awards were conferred by the Dean for Studies, Prof. Eichfelder, at the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Economics and Management on 24 November 2018.
2017 publication award of the RWI (08.10.2018)
Michael Kvasnicka has received together with Thomas Bauer and Sebastian Braun the 1st price of the 2017 publication award of the RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research in Essen for the paper „Nuclear Power Plant Closures and Local Housing Values: Evidence from Fukushima and the German Housing Market” published in the Journal of Urban Economics.
New Publication: Health Economics (08.10.2018)
New Publication:“The health effects of smoking bans: Evidence from German hospitalization data” has been accepted for publication in Health Economics.