Teaching Award for Prof. Dr. Michael Kvasnicka (23.06.2023)
For his outstanding commitment to teaching in the winter term of 2022/2023, Prof. Dr. Michael Kvasnicka was awarded the teaching award (3rd place) of the Faculty of Economics in the Bachelor's Area.
Teaching Award for Mohamad Alhussein Saoud (23.06.2023)
For his outstanding commitment to teaching in the winter term of 2022/2023, Mohamad Alhussein Saoud was awarded the teaching award (2nd place) of the Faculty of Economics in the Bachelor's Area.
Important: Tutorial on Population and Family Economics (11.05.2023)
The tutorial for "Population and Family Economics" will be postponed from 15. May 2023 to 22. May 2023!
Important!: Lectures on 11 April and 12 April (06.04.2023)
Dear students, unfortunately the first lecture of the courses "Population and Family Economics", "Evidence-Based Policy Analysis" on 11 April 2023 and "Introduction to Econometrics" on 12 April 2023 will not take place in person. Alternatively, recordings will be uploaded in E-Learning.
New IZA DP mentioned on John Cochrane's blog ´The Grumpy Economicst´ and Tyler Cohen and Alex Tabarrok's blog ´Marginal Revolution´ (04.03.2023)
New IZA DP mentioned on John Cochrane's blog ´The Grumpy Economicst´ and Tyler Cohen and Alex Tabarrok's blog ´Marginal Revolution´ (March 4 2023)