Letter of Recommendation

Professor Kvasnicka supports student applications by writing letters of recommendation (LoR)*. You can ask for a LoR from Professor Kvasnicka if:

  • your grade point average is 3.0 or better and
  • you successfully completed at least one course at the Chair of Applied Economics (with a grade of 2.3 or better).

For a LoR, provide us by email (gina.gierk@ovgu.de) with all necessary information, i.e.:

  • a short CV
  • transcript of grades
  • successfully completed courses at the Chair of Applied Economics (incl. grades and terms)
  • until when is the LoR needed
  • what is the LoR needed for
  • information and requirements needed for writing the LoR (please attach any websites, forms etc.)

Please contact us for a LoR at least four weeks before you need the LoR.

* Professor Kvasnicka generally writes a LoR only for academic purposes (e.g. admission for academic programs) and (national or international) internships related to a study program.

Last Modification: 03.03.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster